In our lives a page turns to a new chapter.  Sometimes good, sometimes bad and in many times unexpected.

Four months ago a chapter in my life ended.  My Dad passed on during MVP Summit.

I cried like we all would at such a time, found the comfort in friends and reached out to my hero that passed away so say Goodbye.

I was blessed with the opportunity that before the last day happened I got to say to my Dad farewell.  I rememeber it well.

“…I’m so glad you were my Dad.  I Love You.” (the tears poured our in the midst of Summit unbeknownst to the many around me.)  MVP’s were around me during a break as my eyes stared at the window in disbelief.  “Dad won’t be here for more than 2 weeks….” a glistening of by eyes stared back at me from the window in Redmond.

The next day Dad finally rested, no more pain and before he left gave me a gift of an online posting.

“Microsoft PFE – Ottawa”.  I lived there, wanted the job but still was afraid to try.  Cistel, my current employer treated me so well.  We were like family.  The owner Nishith came by regulary to say Hello to everyone.  Vineet and Ron would pop by with Donuts or a pat on the back Fridays.  Colin my boss felt so much like a friend (because he was like the rest of my team and co-workers) that I didn’t want to win and walk away.

I was so afraid to apply.  I was here in a  Happy place in a good job but my heart said I wanted to give it a shot. 

I kept hearing Dad say “You want this?  Give it a shot!  If you succeed you’ll find the answer no matter the location.  You have everyone’s support.”

So I did.  Applied.  Pinged a Manager.   Went through the interviews.  Succeeded.   What an amazing  Birthday present!

I need to blink twice at this statement.  “Succeeded!”

As of this posting I am officially a full Fledged Blue Badge at Microsoft Canada.  A Premier Field Engineer. 

Many would say “I DID IT!” and I did.   But I had help.

I had my long time friend Rick from Around the Clock I.T. Solutions Inc who cut me that first big field break.  Working with Doctors, Lawyers and Professionals.  Testing my skills and finding eventually I could do things I didn’t imagine building my confidence.

I had friends at Microsoft Canada that I met after all of those Free Technet sessions in Mississauga.  People that encouraged me to be me and did so in the form of having me test my Creative bits as a “Friday Funny Guy” (Thanks to the former and current members, all of them of Microsoft Canada DPE “DX team”). My first big break of encouragement was their publishing this lone email online on the website.

There was a also a voice of guidance, a Master who helped me understand and work on my Professionalism.  A Man who changed so many lives especially this one. The best MCT, former MVP and field expert out there.  Mitch Garvis.    If you have been touched by him, you will understand.  If you have not, I hope you do someday.    Mitch managed to focus that “Friday Funny Guy”.  

For you Mitch I am eternally grateful.   Words can never do you justice for all you have done.   

Eventually I would present at user groups, Conferences including The Experts Conference, Techdays and TechEd.   The opposite of that shy kid from High School that would not present even if an Army of Daleks stood at his back side screaming “Present Tonight! Present Tonight! Do it now or be EXTERMINATED!”

I also was blessed with the opportunity to know Ed “Hey Scripting Guy” Wilson of Microsoft and his wife Theresa “Scripting Wife”.   They helped me find the balance of “Me” and “Serious Me”.    (DUDE! It happened!)

Then there’s this massive community of MVP’s, PowerShell Community, people at Microsoft I consider friends.   I won’t name names at Microsoft but I am honored to here the many say “Woohoo!”

… most importantly Family.    the backbone which supported all of this.

My wife and kids who put up with all the offkey singing, the crazy ideas, the basement in Oshawa cluttered with every type of computer component possible.  Especially my wife.  Thank you Rose

My direct family who always encourage their crazy brother Sean to do his thing.

My Uncle and Aunt that watched this 16 year old kid disassemble a $4000 computer in 1981 and fix it…. and didn’t freak out.  Encouraging me all through life (Thanks Uncle Pat and Aunt Maureen)

Most importantly my Parents.   Mom and Dad thank you for on that fateful day, investing in a single Commodore Vic 20 for a future you foresaw but could not imagine.   I know you’re up there smiling down Dad.

I hope to make you all proud and succeed in ways I cannot imagine.   I hope to still be that “Friday Funny Guy”, “Honorary Scripting Guy” and “Former MVP” and “Professional”

Most of all, I can not wait to see where I am …. 5 years from now.

But as of March 1st 2017 I am …..

Sean Kearney
Premier Field Engineer
Microsoft Canada
“Honorary Scripting Guy”


….and maybe a future “Hey Scripting Guy!” team member? After all…. we all need to keep dreaming beyond our todays, who knows what tomorrow will bring.