As has been my usual way of driving the world Bananas for the past 7 years I have two things I have done traditionally in the month of December

Write a series of Holiday Silliness in PowerShell for Hey Scripting Guy

Write a correspondingly badly sung tune for the series.

… thus we have for the 7th Annual Scripting Guys Holiday Special on

“Scripting Time is Here” – Lyrics and horrid video


Scripting Time is Here
PowerShell so dear
Systems run, my work is done
My alerts are in the clear

Cmdlets everywhere
Manage all with care
PC, Mac and Linux too
Remoting Through and Through

The Days end calls to me
I search the Gallery
Modules there, and Scripts as well
And Github there to see

Scripting Time is Here
Happiness is clear
Deployment done with DSC
So simple as can be

Yappie nerds…
I just not sure I understand the meaning of scripting
What do you mean?
Well I mean, really who wants to go home on time?
What?  What are you yammering on about?
I always thought staying in the Office for 18 hours a day was cool
Are you pulling my leg?  Wouldn’t you rather be home, relaxing with Family?
You mean Stinky?
Who’s Stinky?
My Bunny Rabbit
You have a Bunny Rabbit called Stinky?
No, he just smells bad.  His name is Karl.
Fine, wouldn’t you rather be home with Karl the Bunny? Earlier?
Well that’s what Scripting is all about, Consistency and getting home Earlier to Karl the Bunny.
Oh well, I never thought of it that way

The Days end calls to me
I search the Gallery
Modules there, and Scripts as well
And Github there to see

Scripting Time is Here
The days end draws so near
A single line, does work for me
I head home and I am free….